As the housing market continues to grow and expand, and a generational shift makes its way closer to city centers, a lot of condo owners (often moving in from the suburbs themselves) are noticing their neighbors are becoming renters rather than owners.
A Calgary Herald reader reached out to Roberto Noce to note that there were “too many” renters in their building and to request assistance in drafting a motion to amend the building bylaws (ultimately to cap the number of non-owner tenants in the building).PHOTO BY FILE /Postmedia
The reply from Roberto Noce was honest, informative..but perhaps not what the letter writer had hoped for.
Condominium units are private property, and the condominium corporation cannot restrict how someone leases or otherwise disposes of their property — there is strong case law on this in Alberta. The Condominium Property Act sets out the corporation’s powers with respect to unit rentals. Essentially, the corporation may require owners who rent out their units to pay a deposit.
In the article, Noce also attempts to dispel some misconceptions regarding “renters”
There are many false stereotypes of renters: They are transient, they don’t contribute to a community as much as owners, and they don’t make good neighbours. Just because renters do not own their condo units that doesn’t mean they care any less about the condominium complex than owners do. Here are some tips for getting active as a renter: Get to know your neighbours; find out when meetings and/or social events are and show up; and, if the bylaws allow for renters to be on the board, run for a position. Finally, if you are looking for rental information, go to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. Rental Market Report, which provides an in-depth analysis of rental markets, a review of rents and vacancy rates.
But condo units used for short-term rental such as Airbnb, well, that’s another story
Condominium corporations do have the power to restrict short-term rentals such as Airbnb. The Airbnb arrangements are distinct from traditional residential leases.
(in the eyes of the law)
Airbnb guests are not renters; they are the functional equivalent of hotel guests who are mere licensees.
To read the full story visit: Condo boards cannot limit the number of rental units in building | Calgary Herald(please note that the views expressed in the article are solely those of the contributing sources to the original article as cited, the summary of this article should not be misunderstood to represent the views of the original publisher or its contributors)